M: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
T: 9:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
W: 11:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.
T: 9:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
F: By Appt. Only


1017 Wilson Avenue
Suite 203
Toronto, ON M3K 1Z1


Academic Publications

Referred Publications

Ouanounou, A., Zhang, L., Tymianski, M., Charlton M.P., Wallace C.M., and Carlen P.L. 1996 Accumulation and extrusion of permeant Ca 2+ chelator in attenuation of synaptic transmission at hippocampal C A 1 neurons. Neuroscience. 75(1):99-109.

El-Beheiry, H.., Ouanounou, A., and Carlen, P.L. (1996). Aging potentiates anaesthetic-induced synaptic depression in hippocampal slices. NeuroReport. 7:502-505.

Ouanounou, A., Carlen, P.L., and El-Beheiry, H. (1998). Enhanced Isoflurane suppression of excitatory synaptic transmission in the aged hippocampus. Br. J. Pharmaco. 124(6):1075-1082.

Ouanounou, A., Zhang, L., Charlton, M.P., and Carlen, P.L. (1999) Differential modulation of synaptic transmission by calcium chelators in young and aged CA1 hippocampal neurons: evidence for altered calcium homeostasis in aging. J. Neurosci 19(3):906-915.

Ouanounou, A., Y. Zhang, and Zhang, L. (1999). Changes in the calcium dependence glutamate transmission in the hippocampal CA1 region after brief hypoxia-hypoglcemia. J. Neurphysiol 82(3):1147-1155.

Ouanounou, A., Carlen, P.L., and El-Beheiry, H. (2004). Clacium influx manipulations reverses anaesthetics actions in old hippocampal neurons. Submitted to J. Neurosci.

Tonkikh, A., Janus, C., El-Beheiry, H., Pennefather, P.S., Samoilova, M., McDonald, P., Ouanounou, A., and Carlen, P.L. (2006). Calcium Chelation improves spatial learning and synaptic plasticity in aged rats. Exp Neurol:197:291-300.

Book Chapter

Carlen, P.L., Pelletier, M., Ouanounou, A., Tymianski, M. and Zhang, L. 2002. Neuroprotection strategies in Epilepsy. In: Intractable seizures: Diagnosis, treatment and prevention. (Burnham, M., Carlen, P.L., and P. Huang eds.) Adv Exp. Med. Biol 497:209-224.


"Composition and methods of alleviating impaired mental function and memory loss in mammals" Filed: May 16, 1998, Canadian Patent Office. Patent no: CBB942

Ownership: Carlen, P.L., Janus, C., Ouanounou, A., Zhang, L., Macdonald, P. and Charlton, M.P.

Published Conference Abstracts

Ouanounou, A., Carlen, P.L., and El-Beheiry, H. 1998. Blockade of calcium influx with conotixins enchances anaesthetic actions in young hippocampal neurons. Soc. Neourosci. Abstr. 24(2), 428.18.

El-Beheiry, H., Ouanounou, A., and Carlen, P.L. 1998. Nifedipine reverses anaesthetic actions on aged hippocampal neurons in vitro. Anesthesiology. Suppl Vol 88(3A): A130.

El-Beheiry, H., Ouanounou, A., and Carlen, P.L. 1998. Low extracellular Ca2+/Mg2+ opposes anaesthetic actions in old hippocampal neurons. Br. J. Anaesthesia. 80 (suppl):104.

Velumian, A. A., Ouanounou, A., and Carlen, P.L. 1998. The site of inhibitory action of BAPTA- AM on excitatory synaptic transmission in rat hippocampus is presynaptic. Soc. Neourosci. Abst.24(1), 227.5.

El-Beheiry, H., Ouanounou, A., and Carlen, P.L. 1998. Blockade of calcium influx with conotixins has no effect on anaesthetic actions on aged hippocampal neurons. Soc. Neourosci. Abstr. 24(2), 428.19.

Ouanounou, A., El-Beheiry, H., and Carlen, P.L. 1998. Suppression of calcium influx reverses anaesthetic actions in old neurons. Dental J. 77A:143.

El-Beheiry, H., Ouanounou, A., and Carlen, P.L. 1997. Low extracellular calcium ([Ca 2+]o) opposes isoflurane avtions in old hippocampal slices. 5th Internat Conference on Anaesthesia.

Ouanounou, A., Pelletier, M.R., and Zhang, L. 1996. BAPTA-AM fails to attenuate synaptic transmission in CA1 hippocampal neurons following brief hypoxia. Sco. Neourosci. Abstr. 22(3),780.7.

Ouanounou, A., Zhang, L., Tymianski, M., Charlton M.P., Wallace C.M., and Carlen P.L. 1996. Attenuation of synaptic transmission in hippocampal CA1 neurons by submicromolar concentrations of BAPTA-AM is enchanced by probenecid. Proc. FIP Res. Symp. Univ. of Toronto. Vol 16.

Ouanounou, A., Charlton, M.P., and Carlen, P.L. 1996. Calcium chelators enhanced synaptic transmission in aged hippocampal CA1 neurons. NeuroScience Network.

Ouanounou, A., Zhang, L.., Charlton, M.P., and Carlen, P.L. 1996 Excitatory synaptic transmission is enhanced in aged hippocampal neurons by calcium chelators. FASEB J. 10(3): 3914.

El-Beheiry, H., Ouanounou, A., and Carlen, P.L. 1996. Aging enchanced isoflurane-induced suppression of excitatory synaptic transmission in hippocampal slices. FASEB J. 10(3):902.

El-Beheiry, H., Ouanounou, A., Morris, M., and Carlen, P.L. 1996. Pretreatment with phenytoin ensured recovery of synaptic transmission in hippocampal slices after anoxic insults. Can J anaesthesia. 43 Supplement, S220.

Ouanounou, A., Zhang, L., Tymianski, M., Charlton M.P., Wallace C.M., and Carlen P.L. 1995. The membrane permeable calcium chelator, BAPTA-AM, attenuates synaptic transmission in vitro in the hippocampus CA1 region. Soc. Neourosci. Abstr 21(2):1565.

Ouanounou, A., Fladd, C., and Rotin, D. 1993. Steps towards cloning of the novel protein tyrosine phosphatase PTP.LE from fetal lung epithelia. HSC Summer Symposium. 38.

Ouanounou, A., Mitumoto, Y., and Klip, A. 1992. Effect of mechanical stretch on glucose transport in L6 muscle cell. HSC Summer Symposium. 28.